The window opposite them allowed a slant of late afternoon, dripping into evening, sunlight that caught the glint of gaiety in his dark blue eyes.
As of today, the story that I’m working on is pushing 5,000 words. The story, which is named The Grand Adventure at present, is veering on being titled something else entirely. My recent adventure into writing fiction, which I’ve not delved into since I started at Kennesaw State University last year, has been interesting, because the poet that’s me is caught in the whirlwind of dialogue and description. It is true what they say about writers: our search engines are filled with the strangest searches. This week, I was intending for one of my characters to have an addiction to opium. Ever being an editor (and a history buff), I did a quick search of “opium addiction during the 18th century.” As it turns out, opium use wasn’t seen as an addiction – so, needless to say, I deleted that paragraph. Plus, maybe that was a good thing, because the guy she (my main character) likes is a jerk, but I want the readers to find that out gradually – not all at once.